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How To Connect Your Pilot Training Courses with Flight Schedule ProUpdated 3 days ago

Connecting your Pilot Training account is very simple and will allow your flight school and flight instructor to view your ground training progress along side your flight training progress. There are different steps for flight students and for flight schools to make this connection.

Log into Flight Schedule Pro and click the "View App" button from your dashboard.

Select the option for Sporty's.

Click the option to "Connect"

Select "Yes" for any flight school you desire to share progress and the click "Connect".

This will open a new window to Sporty's Pilot Training Courses. Sign in with your Sporty's email address and password. If you don't already have a Sporty's account, follow the link to Sign Up.

After you log in, give consent to share your training progress from Sporty's with Flight Schedule Pro.

You'll be sent back to your Flight Schedule Pro dashboard with a message informing you of any eligible Sporty's courses that are now viewable. 

Click the "My Training" option in the left side menu to see the list of courses and their status.

Click the "View" button next to any course to see progress on specific training lessons and practice test scores.

Click the "Gear" icon next to the Sporty's app in your Flight Schedule Pro dashboard. Here you can disconnect your Sporty's account or stop sharing your Sporty's Pilot Training with your flight school.

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